Posted on Aug 30, 2010 10:33 AM
I was addicted to drugs for well over 25 years of my life. I am now drug free, but it was a struggle and was not easy. I have God to thank for everything in my life right now. I am right now in my life trying to build up to make a difference in the lives of my children and anyone else that I can. I know what its like to be on drugs and I know what its like to get off. Right now I'm so happy and my children are just as happy. I have overcome a tremendous hurdle and I sigh with relief. I am an official author. i wrote a book that just got published and it tells about my struggles. I have been in a very abusive relationship on top of being on drugs. My book offers hope where we know to find it, but being that stress oposes prayer we wait and wait to ask God to start the process of cleaning up our lives. He is able to do anything and all things. In my book , I bared my soul and told of some things that I know would be embarassing, but if it can help someone to find themselves and start anew, its worth it. I truly want to make a difference in the lives of others.
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